
Welcome to our Blog

Hi and welcome to our blog! This is our playground where we will share with you our passion for music and sounds and tell you about the new projects we are carrying out and the events we take part in. In addition, you will be able to find out what is new on the market, the innovations in audio systems and the trends in terms of loudspeakers. For starters, let us say a few words about the reasons behind our work. Obviously, we’ve been in love with music and sounds for all of our lives and we’ve always been in search of the alchemy for creating the perfect sound. Moreover, we are fascinated by the way in which technology and

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Sunetul prost nu este doar disconfort, ci și un pericol pentru sănătatea umană

Sunt multe informații legate de sunet și de faptul că este un factor principal al confortului audienței în cazul unei sonorizări. Poate ai perceput, sau poate nu, faptul că în urma unor întruniri publice de tip conferință starea ta psihică a fost afectată. Aceasta, uneori, a fost pozitivă, alteori, negativă. Întrebarea pe care ar trebui fiecare să ne-o adresăm este: ce a determinat sensibilitatea noastră psihologică? Fiecare cuvânt este constituit din sunete care-și au propria vibrație cu amplitudine. Psihoterapeutul armean Mihrdat Madatyan a afirmat că în psihologie există un domeniu, numit „psiho-acustică”, care studiază caracteristicile fiziologice și psihologice ale sunetului perceput de om. El a mai declarat: „Faptul că sunetul reprezintă niște fluctuații ale moleculelor de aer de o anumită amplitudine, care intră în rezonanță cu

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DECLARATIE GDPR    Prin prezenta declar ca sunt de acord ca societatea Acoustic Density srl , cu sediul in Cluj Napoca, str. P-ta Unirii, nr. 12-6, judetul Cluj,  avand cod fiscal RO28643251 sa fie autorizata sa proceseze datele mele personaele introduse in formularul de inregistrare client, precum si datele care sunt colectate in cadrul tranzactiilor comerciale cu Acoustic Density srl in urmatoarele scopuri: furnizarea de informatii referitoare la campanii de marketing, oferte speciale si/sau alte forme de publicitate, prin intermediul e-mail-ului, SMS-ului, telefonului, platformelor de social media, precum si contractarea in vederea desfasurarii de sondaje de opinie ale clientiilor.  Consimtamantul dat prin prezenta declaratie, in ceea ce priveste prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal, precum si furnizarea datelor mentionate mai jos

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Acoustic Social

Because we want to offer you the opportunity to experience other ways of listening and feeling the music, we have designed a new, hopefully long term project. It’s called Acoustic Social. Tune & Wine, and it involves a series of monthly musical events at the Acoustic Density Factory Store headquarters (12, Unirii Square). Why Tune & Wine? It’s simple. Undoubtedly, the clarity, depth and exquisiteness are attributes of both the sound and wine. We refer to the sound that penetrates and stirs the deepest and most refined of emotions, just like wine. Guided by these shared values, we created an event in which the sound and the wine complement each other to create a natural social gesture, providing the perfect

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When someone asks us which is the product we consider as our crowning achievement, the answer is always the same: Estelio® Hi-Fi Speaker. This is not to say that we don’t love or consider the other products to be as efficient, it’s simply because this is the very first Acoustic Density complete sound system. The idea of ​​creating a home audio system crystallized slowly, over time, due to an increasing number of requests from clients. Appreciative of the audio systems that we design for their clubs, pubs and restaurants, many of them wondered whether we provide such equipment intended for home use. We didn’t at the time, and so, being tired of always saying „No“, we got to work. That

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Aqua Angar

It’s been a while since we last told you about our endeavors, so today we decided to make amends. That’s to say we will share some information about one of our most complex projects that we started in 2015 and completed in the summer of 2016, namely the sound system for the Aqua Angar Spa Centre in Cehu Silvaniei. Located at 114 km from Cluj-Napoca, the Aqua Angar centre is one of the most modern of its kind in Transylvania. Equipped with a massage room, pool, bar, fitness room, squash court, ballroom, sauna, outdoor beach and many others, the Spa required an integrated audio system that allowed volume control in each area. A universally accepted solution for this system was

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About Us

We are a company that creates professional sound equipments with an innovative design that offers a visual and audio experience different from what is currently on the market. Acoustic Density is based in Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania (Romania), and was founded in the autumn of 2008 with a desire to provide customers different audio systems, capable of producing not only a balanced and clear sound, but also to be able to integrate by shape and colour in the desired spaces. Our passion for music combined with our skills in computer science and sound engineering have enabled us to develop products with attitude and style, but also to be able to provide the best solution in terms of quality and design to our

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What do the numbers and letters of the Acoustic products stand for? It’s a combination between the speaker system series, the speaker size and number, plus the features of the model. For example, P2.3F refers to speaker series P (Profile Series), two 3-inch speakers made of fiberglass (F) and C10 refers to speaker series C with a 10 inch speaker. Are the Acoustic speakers resistant to moisture if they are installed in a pool, sauna or outdoors? The speakers that we use are generally moisture resistant in a normal use. We have a number of speakers designed for use in swimming pools or outdoors where the level of moisture is high. We refer to the P-series models which are made

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Abyss 12 Estelio


Speaker Type SubWoofer
Power Integrated class D amplifier
Orientation Floor standing

Our passion for music combined with our skills in computer science and sound engineering have enabled us to develop products with attitude and style, but also to be able to provide the best solution in terms of quality and design to our projects.

Our mission is to get the perfect sound in the perfect shape and to redefine people’s perception of professional sound systems. We are looking for that natural, clean and clear sound that can dazzle even the most demanding ear. We focus on creativity, innovation, quality, and are aware that passion and boundless thinking are essential for development.


Additional information

Weight 52,8 kg
Dimensions 50 × 66,5 × 50 cm

Beech Wood, Custom color

Power RMS


Speaker Configuration

LF 12” bass driver

Frequency Range* (-10dB)

28 – 120 Hz

Connector Type

Balanced XLR


Beech Plywood