Webinar Live

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DECLARATIE GDPR    Prin prezenta declar ca sunt de acord ca societatea Acoustic Density srl , cu sediul in Cluj Napoca, str. P-ta Unirii, nr. 12-6, judetul Cluj,  avand cod fiscal RO28643251 sa fie autorizata sa proceseze datele mele personaele introduse in formularul de inregistrare client, precum si datele care sunt colectate in cadrul tranzactiilor […]

Abyss 12 Estelio


Speaker Type SubWoofer
Power Integrated class D amplifier
Orientation Floor standing

Our passion for music combined with our skills in computer science and sound engineering have enabled us to develop products with attitude and style, but also to be able to provide the best solution in terms of quality and design to our projects.

Our mission is to get the perfect sound in the perfect shape and to redefine people’s perception of professional sound systems. We are looking for that natural, clean and clear sound that can dazzle even the most demanding ear. We focus on creativity, innovation, quality, and are aware that passion and boundless thinking are essential for development.


Additional information

Weight 52,8 kg
Dimensions 50 × 66,5 × 50 cm

Beech Wood, Custom color

Power RMS


Speaker Configuration

LF 12” bass driver

Frequency Range* (-10dB)

28 – 120 Hz

Connector Type

Balanced XLR


Beech Plywood